The Evolution of Commercial Fridge Refrigerants

The Role of Refrigerants in Commercial Fridge Operation

In the world of commercial fridges, the choice of refrigerant is a critical aspect. This post takes a deep dive into shifting trends from traditional harmful refrigerants to eco-friendly alternatives, focusing on the crucial role of refrigerants in our commercial fridge production.


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The Environmental Impact of Traditional Refrigerants in Commercial Fridges

Traditionally, the most commonly used refrigerant has been fluorocarbons, which are now acknowledged as environmentally unfriendly substances. They largely consist of chlorofluorocarbons that, when exposed to ultraviolet radiation at high altitudes, dissociate into chlorine atoms. These chlorine atoms are highly reactive and cause depletion of the ozone layer by breaking down ozone molecules. This chemical reaction leads to the formation of ozone layer holes, contributing to an array of environmental problems.

The Advent of Eco-Friendly Refrigerants in Commercial Fridge Manufacture

However, with a consistent focus on environmental conservation and scientific innovation, the refrigerant industry has evolved significantly. Now, we are committed to using high-efficiency, non-flammable, green eco-friendly refrigerants in the manufacturing of our commercial fridges. Unlike their predecessor, these refrigerants, mainly hydrocarbons, are not destructive to the ozone layer and have little impact on global warming.


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Leading Eco-Friendly Refrigerants in Today’s Commercial Fridge Market


The eco-friendly refrigerants frequently used today include Isobutane (R600a), Propane (R290), Propene (R1270), Ethene (R1150), Ethane (R170), Ifopentane (R601a), Pentane (R600), R23, R507, R134a, etc. Out of these, R600a and R290 are prevalently implemented in commercial fridge technology.


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Understanding R600a: An Eco-Friendly Refrigerant for Commercial Fridges

R600a, an excellent new type of hydrocarbon refrigerant, is eco-friendly, non-ozone depleting, and does not contribute to global warming significantly. Its excellent characteristics include high evaporation latent heat, strong cooling capacity, and compatibility with various compressor lubricants. It is used majorly in new environmentally friendly fridge technology. However, less than required R600a in refrigeration systems can lead to excessive pressure levels, abnormal machine noise, and reduced compressor lifespan.

Exploring the Benefits of R290 in Commercial Fridge Technology

On the other hand, R290 is a natural hydrocarbon refrigerant, flammable and explosive, and can be directly obtained from liquefied gas. Unlike artificially synthesized fluorocarbon, R290 does not contain any chlorine atoms in its molecules and hence has zero ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential). Its GWP (Global Warming Potential) is also nearly zero, ensuring no contribution to the greenhouse effect. The refrigeration efficiency of R290 is excellent and is often used in low-temperature cabinets with high refrigeration demands, making it an ideal refrigerant.


Our Commitment to Eco-Friendly Commercial Fridge Manufacture

In conclusion, the shift from harmful fluorocarbons to more environmentally friendly refrigerants reflects our commitment to sustainability and environmental preservation in our commercial fridge production. Our commercial fridge manufacturing practices aim to lead the way in environmental stewardship without compromising quality or performance. Stay updated with our latest posts on commercial fridge advancements, trends, and more!

As a leading commercial refrigerator manufacturer in China, we supply high-quality commercial refrigeration equipment at very competitive prices. We welcome new partners and distributors globally. Contact us today to learn more about our commercial refrigerator offerings!


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