Bakdash Participating The 133rd Canton Fair in 2023

Bakdash’s New Product Line Presented at the 133rd Canton Fair Greetings all, In 2023, our company, Bakdash, attended the 133rd Canton Fair with the aim to introduce our latest range of commercial refrigeration products for the year. Our exhibition was focused on the 2023 product lineup, which is regarded for its well-executed blend of premium quality, innovative design, and considerable sustainability.


We’re pleased to inform that our participation in the fair was noticeably productive. During the event, our offerings incited considerable interest among the attending business leaders, entrepreneurs and global buyers. As a result, we recorded over 110 expressions of interest for potentially fruitful partnerships.



Our 2023 lineup was effectively exhibited, highlighting our promise of delivering only rigorously tailored refrigerating solutions, designed to assist businesses with their specific needs. Moreover, our team engaged with attendees in various sessions, product discussions, and networking events, widening Bakdash’s recognition in international markets. As compared to our previous exhibit, there was a 60% increase in footfall to our booth. Our products penetrated key markets, recording a 45% increase in interest from North America and a 35% hike from European attendees.

Over the course of the five-day event, we managed to address over 1,500 attendees, conducted over 120 successful product demonstrations, and more importantly, established potential collaborations. This exposure has allowed Bakdash to evolve as a recognized player in the commercial refrigeration industry. We are now focusing on harnessing these significant opportunities to drive greater value in the upcoming product range. This takes us one step ahead towards our commitment to delivering cutting-edge cooling solutions that are not only competitive but also customer-specific.

The 133rd Canton Fair marked a significant moment for Bakdash, presenting an overwhelming response from numerous markets. With keen anticipation, we look forward to converting these opportunities into effective partnerships that will further improve our products and services. For more updates on our progress, stay connected with us. At Bakdash, our journey continues toward perfecting the art of commercial refrigeration. Best Regards, The Bakdash Team.

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